Take Back Control of Your Time, Manage Your Calendar, and Get Organized...
No Matter How Crazy Your Life Is!

You CAN control your calendar again… even with an unpredictable schedule!
What would it mean to you if learning how to manage your time meant you get more done but it also means...
ditching wasted time like hours spent trying to complete 3 things at once.
preventing OVERWHELM by paving a clear path to productivity and task completion!
creating a "command center" that accurately showcases your available time to prevent overbooking
and... it does all of this for you without YOU constantly worrying that you are forgetting something!
My Simple Step-by-Step Systems and Tools for Organizing
Your 'To-Do' List and Managing Your Time...
to FINALLY reach Work + Life Harmony

Through a combination of these three master keys to success:

Kick off your learning with our comprehensive array of info-packed, actionable courses. Work at your own pace and master your time management, organization, and productivity.

Live Coaching
Get personal insight, advice, and feedback from Megan through live, monthly coaching calls and special, free, student-only events throughout the year.

Learn and collaborate with supportive women like you as you get support, give your thoughts and receive feedback in our private student-only community.
Gather Information About Your Current Reality
How do you know where you're going if you don't know where you've been?

"Lots of lightbulbs going on for me!"
"Thanks so much! I've struggled with my planning and keeping information that I need to access.... I have used just about every planning system out there and just have felt like something was wrong with me. I am excited to put it all together and see it work. Thanks again for this course!” - Kimberly.
Manage and Protect Your Time With Love
Boundaries, alignment and getting realistic about the time you actually have.

"The TOP program has been an amazing investment in myself and my sanity"
”It is so great to have a plan in place each week and learn how to create space and time for myself and my want to's. Best if all have learned how to pivot when something goes off the rails.” - Kim.
Organize Your Information
How to set up your "information hubs" to organize #allthethings.

"This program has changed my life and has given me the structure I needed."
”Just finished all modules. This program has changed my life and has given me the structure I needed to stay on top of my very hectic schedule as a high school principal. Thank you so much! Can't wait to continue to stay connected with this work.” - Amy.
Master Productivity Through Planning
Master my "secret weapon"...weekly planning.

“I've learned a lot already, and I know this is just what I needed”
"I wasn't sure about whether to sign up or not, as I am fairly organized most of the time, but I'm so glad I did. I've learned a lot already, and I know this is just what I needed. The one notebook system is such a fantastic idea - no more Post-it notes everywhere! And even though I've only done 3 days of time audit, it's been eye-opening already.​​​​​​​​​​" - Claire.
Get the Most Important Things Done with Ease
Level up your weekly planning and celebrate your wins.

"It has been a big transition going from working off a daily to-do list to weekly planning, but I am motivated and so excited to keep going.."
"Thank you Megan for reminding us to give ourselves grace while we are learning this whole new planning process! I already feel more organized with my time and am much more aware of how much time I actually have. I know it will get easier as I "exercise this new planning muscle!" - Michelle.
Control Your Calendar Like a Pro
Conquer monthly planning and start crushing your goals.

"Before TOP I would schedule every second of my day!"
"I have enjoyed the freedom and relaxation provided by leaving white space in my weekly plan. Today I really noticed the benefit!! I had 4 hours this afternoon to schedule tasks. I only scheduled 3 hours. I ended up having to take my car to the shop and then had an impromptu lunch with my parents, which took about 90 minutes. Because I had space in my day these things didn't stress me out!! And by adjusting my assigned tasks, I was still able to get everything I'd scheduled done." -Teresa.

Monthly Live Coaching Calls:
Think back to the last time you learned a new skill. Did you have questions while you learned? I know I did!
That is exactly why you also get access to a monthly live call with me and the other TOP Program students exclusively to answer your questions. Think of it like “office hours” if you will.
Every month, I open my office doors to answer any and all questions and support you as you transition to this new life of harmony.

Private Student-Only Community:
You are welcome to ask questions, share wins, etc at any time. And, you will see me popping in here regularly with surprise challenges and motivation to keep you going.
Bottom line, you are NOT in this alone. You never need to struggle with questions or wonder if you are “doing it” right. I am here for you every step of the way.

Complete TOP Workbook
If you are concerned about taking notes and keeping track of what you are learning, I have also built a complete workbook for you. The minute you join the TOP Program, you will have immediate access to this workbook so you can download it right away and follow along. No need to purchase another notebook or journal ( I know this may be sad news for you…I, too, love a reason to buy another cute notebook!)
Bonus 1: Master Your Morning Mini Course
Learning how to create the right morning routine is crucial so that you are energized and ready to tackle everything headed your way.
That is exactly what Master Your Morning does. You will follow my step-by-step system to create a morning routine based on your personality type and unique schedule so that you will no longer feel frustrated when the routines that productivity experts tell you to follow just don’t work for you.
If you have tried to follow “productivity experts” morning routines and hated them, this course will show you why. Spoiler alert: I don’t do yoga and meditation to start my day…and you don’t have to in order to be productive!
Bonus 2: Trello for TOP Course
If you are worried that you have to be “tech savvy” to leverage technology in your organization and planning, then Trello for TOP will be your new best friend. You will learn how to create your account and master Trello with ease without feeling frustrated and inept when it comes to creating a digital information hub.
Trello (or any tech for that matter) is NOT required to master your time. But, for some, it can be helpful.
After taking the Trello for TOP course, Beverly shared:
“I so appreciate that you kept each video short and succinct; your instructions were easy to follow, and I created my account and just followed along…I'm on my way to better organization! A special thanks for showing your actual boards, and how you use Trello to create and flesh out projects. Trello is going to make my life easier!”
Bonus 3: “What if” Training Module
If you are worried that this program won’t cover how to handle distractions, procrastination, family interruptions, travel, unexpected emergencies, and all the “extras, this Bonus “What if” Training Module is for you. You’ll learn exactly how to handle all of the typical things that sabotage our plans and productivity so that you are prepared to tackle any and all of the curve balls and unexpected things that come at you each and every day. This module is where I am continually adding new training and content as TOP Students bring new “what if” scenarios to our live calls.
Bonus 4:Â Small Business Owner Resources and Training
Each module has an added bonus training for anyone juggling their own small business along with the rest of their very busy life. As a business owner myself, I share exactly how I plan and manage my time for my business while also being the primary caregiver and "Chief Operating Officer" of our home. You also have a complete module witih information on all the tools, software, products and resources I recommend to other business owners.
Bonus 5: TOP Checklist
There is a reason we all love to check something off our list or mark something as “done.” We get a dopamine hit every time we do it! One thing I have learned in my career is the importance of constancy and momentum. And, the #1 way to do this is to track and see your progress.
That is why I created the TOP Checklist Tracker.
As soon as you start the TOP Program, you get your own personal tracker where you can quickly track your progress as you move through the program. It even comes with a personalized certificate of completion from me and my team when you work through the program! If you are worried about accountability, this checklist will be your new best friend.
Bonus 6: TOP for Home Mini Course
What about all the “stuff” that doesn’t fit into our planning? What about email, paper clutter, workspaces, etc? That is exactly what the TOP for Home Mini Course covers.
In this mini-course, I cover all the “non-planning” stuff that causes overwhelm and stress and teach you systems you can put in place to get back in the driver's seat again.
You will learn to easily implement systems to get paper, email, notebooks, and more under control. And, I will show you how to set up a productive work environment, no matter where you work. After watching TOP for Home, you will truly be an unstoppable productivity and efficiency machine!

Before running my own business, I worked for over 20 years in the software / IT space as a Quality Architect.
I am a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Certified Scrum Trainer, Certified Software Test Professional, and carry a few other bizarre-sounding labels.
In English, this means that I have over 2 decades of experience and knowledge in creating systems and processes to turn complete chaos into harmony.
I am also in the trenches every day juggling motherhood, work, family, and all the never-ending task lists that come with it.
I am the "go-to" (aka COO) of the household and on any given day, I swear I hear the word "mom" 1,567,387 times.
About 9 years ago, I hit a wall.
I was exhausted, depressed, and overwhelmed. I was stuck in the "wake up, make a list, work hard, go to bed" never-ending cycle.
The planning and productivity systems I had been using for years were no longer working.
I knew there had to be a way to achieve the Work+Life Harmony I so desperately desired.
That is when I put my 20+ years of knowledge and expertise into action and created a new way to plan and manage my time...a way that truly integrated all aspects of my life.
I turned my chaos into harmony.
Now, I can proudly say that I run a successful business working only 4 hours a day (less in the summer).
I have joy, rest, passion, purpose, and FUN in my life again.
Guess what? You can, too!
If you are ready to learn how to create "real life" plans that actually calm you instead of stressing you out, you are in the right place!
After having kids and going back to work - I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off!
Work. School. Drop off. Pickup. Dinner. Baths. Pack bags. Repeat.
To-Do Lists Galore. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so disorganized and wasn’t getting anything MEANINGFUL accomplished. I had everything written down?! My days were running me. Running me into the ground.
I was doing two things VERY wrong:
- I wasn’t planning in the right way, and
- NONE of my weekly plans involved ANYTHING for myself and MY goals.
…I was at my wit's end - so I did something that literally has changed everything for me.
I asked for H-E-L-P. And not help like you might think - not someone to clean the house or run kids around - someone that has been through what I was living - and could TEACH me a better way to harmonize all the hats I wore every day. I didn't need an uplifting book or inspirational speaker - I needed life processes and procedures… After working with Megan, I have completely rewired my brain.
I ditched my To Do Lists, realized work-life balance is the biggest LIE a woman can EVER tell themself, and learned how to really do goal planning.
Now, planning… is my favorite time of the week. It makes for a successful, non-stressful, meaningful week and I now am making progress not spinning!
Thank you, Megan, for your wisdom, guidance, and friendship. You have helped me more than you can ever know đź’•.

That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!
The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know giving your time management and organization a makeover will help improve productivity, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…
"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”
Well… that’s simple. Try it.

TOP Program modules: $1,797
5 bonuses trainings:Â $1,782
Monthly live coaching calls:Â $2,364 per year
Student-only private community:Â PricelessÂ
Total value of $6,140

One-Time Payment (save $144)
- 6 Module Course
- Monthly Coaching Calls
- 5 Course Bonuses
- Access to the Student-Only Community
- Lifetime Course Access
3 Monthly Payments
- 6 Module Course
- Monthly Coaching Calls
- 5 Course Bonuses
- Access to the Student-Only Community
- Lifetime Course Access
What makes the TOP Program different from other time management courses?
You see, most planning and organization experts out there talk about their “systems.” But, what they really teach is a one-time process, not a repeatable system.
Let me explain the difference...
Let’s say you decide it is time to completely reorganize your closet. It is out of control. Most organization experts will teach you to take everything out of your closet and then they give you a step-by-step system on how to evaluate each item and then how to put it back in your closet in a more organized, structured way.
The end result?
Your closet looks beautiful….for a little while. But, over time, it gets out of control again. One day, you realize that you need to start all over again.
That is because you were only taught a one-time process of how to organize your closet.
You were NOT taught a repeatable system to use every day to keep your closet organized.
That is what makes the TOP Program so powerful. You learn how to get your calendar and time out of chaos and into a well-organized structure. But…you are ALSO taught all of the repeatable systems to use on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to ensure it doesn’t get out of control and become chaotic again.

Planning Feels Restrictive... Especially if you don't know the right way to do it, right?!
And if you’re like most of the women I work with, you want to spend your precious time being fully present in whatever you are doing ....
...not trying to do 10 things at once.
Well, the reality is this:
Whether you are juggling 10 things or 1,000 things...
Think about it! When you get 10 things checked off your list for the day but the most important thing still isn't done, you don't feel productive, do you?
NO! Of course not! So then why do you still wake up each day and create a list of things to do without ensuring you have planned your time in a way that keeps you focused on the most important tasks?

How long will it take me to go through the TOP Program?
Can I just get your TOP Planner and figure it out on my own?
Can I skip the program and just figure this out on my own?
How long do I have access to the course?
Does the TOP Program include the TOP Planner?
Is this only for working moms?

"For the first time in years, I feel as though a massive burden has been lifted off my shoulders!"
“Since the pandemic ended I have suffered severe burnout and have yet to feel completely back to myself. I constantly feel behind the ball, showing up late to my job all the time, forgetting important appointments, missing events, and feeling so overwhelmed by everything that I just can't keep up.
Yesterday I started module 3 and for the first time in years, I feel as though a massive burden has been lifted off my shoulders! The time audit allowed me to see my life on paper and I quickly realized that I can turn things around so easily! My Master Backlog was a lot smaller than I thought it was, and the list for my business, albeit longer and more daunting than I expected, feels doable now that I've broken things down into smaller steps and organized it all into Trello.
I want to cry from relief! Things are nowhere near as bad as I thought they were, they were just jumbled and confused. Now I am seeing the full picture clearly and I just can't believe my eyes! I still have a ways to go but I already feel so much hope and relief! Thank you!!"Â -Sarah.
Wondering if the TOP Program is for you?
The TOP Program is for women that are tired of being tired.
I know that sounds cliche but it is true.
If you are tired of feeling behind, tired of waking up in the middle of the night worried that you have forgotten something, tired of trying to plan but not knowing how, tired of being overbooked, tired of putting those projects you really want to do on the back burner and just plain physically tired every single day….then this is for you.
But, this program isn’t for you if you aren’t ready to DO something about it.
Worried you have to be in a certain “stage” of life for the TOP Program to benefit you?
Guess what? The system works no matter WHAT inputs you bring to the table.
This system has helped women in all stages of life from juggling work and kids to running a farm and homeschooling to transitioning to an empty nester lifestyle and everything in between.
“But I have bought other programs and never finished. How will this be any different?”
“I am too much of a “hot mess” to make this work. Is there any hope for me?”
“But I am so dang busy already. How can I possible find the time to take this”
“What if I am too busy right now to start watching?”
Can you talk more about the monthly calls and private community? What if I can’t make it live?
It’s Time For You To Choose
You have two choices.
Choice 1 is to keep doing what you are doing.
Winging it every day hoping that nothing falls through the cracks and playing whack a mole with your never ending task list.
Or, maybe you want to continue to try and make the traditional time management systems that worked for you 20 years ago try and work now.
Maybe you want to continue to purchase different planners every few months but ultimately just add another one to your “planner graveyard.”
Maybe you have decided that living in a state of mental and physical exhaustion is simply unavoidable and you are going to accept that.
Choice 1 is to keep living that life…day after day…hoping that the next day, week or month will just magically get easier.
Choice 1 is to believe that at some point, the “stage of life” you are in will actually shift to one that is not as busy as the stage you are in now.
Choice 2 is to decide that life doesn't HAVE to be this way. Choice 2 is to say out loud, “I do NOT have to start and end every day feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.”
Choice 2 is to decide that today is the day you kick overwhelm to the curb and take back control of your time and calendar….with ease and harmony.