I invested in the TOP Program 18 months ago and truth be told it took me 6 months to get going! UGH! But now - 12 months later - it has been a GAME CHANGER! I was experiencing pain, chaos, and frustration with my life prior to going through the training. I looked at the options and saw that I was going to experience hard work either way…either staying in chaos and living that way in frustration OR spending the hard work and time to permanently eliminate the pain/frustration. I figured I was going to put in the work one way or another: either defensively or offensively. TODAY - I'm not perfect but I now get EXCITED about Friday planning as I get so much peace and calm as a result of my proactivity/planning. There is no shortcut to this thing called "life." But boy am I HAPPIER and more in control. Still working on my discipline but I'm a heck of a lot better at being in control of my plan than EVER before. BIG THANKS to Megan for this gift you're giving us :-)

My biggest takeaway was from Megan Sumrell's session about why your to-do list isn't working for you. I'm so guilty of constantly having a huge to-do list, and I've been trying to transition in the past year or so to a brain dump list and intentionally choosing tasks from there, but it still wasn't quite flowing. I love the idea of scheduling it directly so my time is a bit more visually blocked out for the week.

My biggest takeaway was from Megan Sumrell's presentation when she pointed out that doing a brain dump of all your to-dos and trying to tackle things daily just adds to decision fatigue.

To-do lists are just not working for us as a busy momma of 8 and a grandbaby due any day with 2 businesses this hits hard!! Thank You Thank You Thank You for all your wisdom impactful for sure!!!

My biggest takeaway was from Megan’s session - making a weekly rather than daily to-do list, while also taking into consideration the time required to do each task.

Megan telling us why our to do list isn't working... hit me hard. I thought I had my to do list under control and working my way through it but I do feel like I add more to it than what I get done. I am going to work on changing that this week.

I had several takeaways, it is tough to choose one as there are so many tips that I can use to improve my life - Megan talking about why our to-do list is working against us was very helpful, I could relate to this talk and Megan has given me practical tips to help to improve my day.

Megan's session about why your to-do list isn't working for you hit close to home for me. Creating to-do lists is my go-to strategy when organizing my thoughts and goals, but it's getting out of control and feels overwhelming with how long my lists are getting. I certainly need to start setting realistic priorities and adding them to my calendar so I can feel and be more productive.

Megan hey! I just want to let you know how much I appreciate you. this email, your top course, all of it. you've taught me so much about time management, a productive strategy that works, systems, you name it. it really has made a difference in my everyday life. sending this in case you need a reminder of how much of a life changer you are :)
- Steph

Great stuff!!! I keep listening on repeat, and I keep getting more and more out of it!! Amazing how in one moment you take one thing away, and the next moment you take something completely different away! Best part - it’s all great stuff!! Thanks, Megan!!
- Lindsay Adams
Annual Plan-a-Palooza Workshop 2022

Yesterday I was explaining to my husband why I enjoy TOP so much more than all the other life management programs I’ve been involved in. Among the many reasons is this one: your honesty and integrity.
You earn respect for your knowledge, your intuition, your experience, your products AND for your willingness to share your own struggles.
- Jean McEntire

Long time, no see! I just wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU for allowing lifetime access to the TOP program, because as we go through different seasons of our lives, it can be so valuable to go back for a refresher. For awhile, I had really simplified and took a lot off my plate to refocus on the basics, and lately, I have been getting the itch for a change/growth again. With reviewing the program, it has helped me reassess what is important to me in this season and see what time I have available to finish up things I previously signed up for.
PLUS, you are a HUGE inspiration for me and I love watching your videos!
I hope you are all doing well!
- Ally Gardner

Working through this material for the second time after a few months of consistently doing basic weekly planning….. and I’m realizing that although I try to leave some margin and buffer time in my day, I usually don’t. Without intentionally planning buffer time, my planned personal time often becomes used as a buffer instead of being used to refresh and nourish myself. This tip is a game-changer. It is also eye-opening as to how overscheduled I am some weeks - which I’m working on, but also recognize with 5 kids under our roof and an inconsistent work schedule for my husband that’s going to be part of my reality if I let each of my kids do 1-2 activities - most have a sport and a music lesson each week. On weeks where I’m the only driver available, I’m going to need to rely more on my community and/or adjust my expectations for what I can accomplish. The TOP planning framework is the first method I’ve used that actually helps me adjust my expectations and bring them into line with my current reality in an empowering way.
- Danielle Beer

- The TOP program was a game changer for me. I’ve gone from a frustrated working mom with no plan, little confidence and a serious lack of direction to a working mom who has a meaningful consistent morning routine, an action plan for my life and business and the skills to get me there! The change is just unbelievable! Megan you are MAGIC!
- Yes! I have used Megan’s strategies to get organized at my Corp job. I have learned to block my calendar for certain time sensitive tasks that I am responsible for so that no one else could send me potential meeting appts. I also have CYA time scheduled twice a day. Her strategies have helped me stay on top of everything at the office, home and in my own personal business as well. I highly recommend any and ALL of Megan’s courses!
- When you hire a coach you want them to help you see and reach your full potential. Megan is just THAT kind of coach. Since working with Megan, I have been transformed from a working mom with zero confidence, no plan of action, a lack of direction and little focus into an organized, productive entrepreneur. I have gotten clear on my dreams and passions. I have now launched my first two online courses with plans to do so much more! Megan showed me how to get out of my own way and become who I was meant to be. I am so grateful!
- Mary T.

Hi Megan, When I first met you I was curious about habits and I knew I needed help in the time management space with my home life and my extremely hectic work life. I am pretty darn sure I could tell you something I was proud of, yet deep down I am not sure I would have truly believed it. I have a pretty good life and I still did not know the depth of where my journey would take me. I am proud of the courage I have found this year to continue to show up and look deep within myself and I can honestly say it is hard work! I think you know what I mean.
Most days I am excited to learn and transform into this person I know is inside of me. I am a work in progress and I am super proud of myself for continuing to stand up each day for me while trying to make better choices for myself so I can become the best me I can be.
Finally I am proud to know you and be a part of your mission, I have received many blessings from you and your teachings. I truly appreciate your vulnerability in sharing your walk and life experiences looking at the obstacles that challenged you. You are so real, you do not sugar coat anything and your kind, genuine and a great inspiration. I can't see Hot Pink or Bees without thinking of you and I look forward to seeing what 2022 will bring forth to us both!
- June

I realize that I must sound like a broken record but, WOW! I like the way that you refer to unexpected things coming at you as "curve balls". I have been able to bring some sense of calmness into my very stressful and unpredictable life by using this program. This is the best investment that I have ever made. Thank you!
- Linda Sponenburgh

It's been a great week and I'm glad I signed up for this training. I recognize that I have been in reaction mode for over 25 years and it's going to take some time to retrain myself in better habits, but I'm not afraid. I already feel better about the structure of my days and my productivity level just with the time-blocking I've done in the last few days, putting the concept of minimizing context-switching into practice. It's lowered my frustration level because my day doesn't feel like one interruption after another. Also, I'm no longer afraid to put everything I need and want to do in writing in one big list, and I see how I can use Trello to compile everything and organize it. I'm even ready to start prioritizing because I know I can always adjust if I change my mind or discover I was wrong about something. I loved coming to the understanding that I don't have to sweat the details yet on the things on my list that aren't top priority at this time. There were so many juicy tidbits I got out of this week, but it all comes back to I'm not afraid to try these things now because I have a clear enough picture of how and why and because finally I believe I can!
- Laura Albano Hoffpauir

This was sosooooo awesome! I really can't stress how helpful your style is Megan Shisler Sumrell..the small doable chunks are the main thing that made this work for me...Thank you a million times!
- Patty H.

Since I've been following you, when work and life road blocks are thrown in front of me, I've been amazed how I can shift and cope better - the world doesn't end, and I'm able to get the important stuff done for our small business, as well as for ME! Thank you Megan, you're an inspiration!
- Alison F.

Megan, I am so thankful & grateful for how you have always gotten me back on track! The three grandchildren I watch got quarantined for 3 weeks on Dec 16 and that put me in a great place to get some rest and take extra action on some goals I was too exhausted to work on. That same week the “vacation” began, my father went into the hospital with Covid and a number of underlying issues. He was released after a week with a good prognosis and within a few days unexpectedly passed away the Wed before Thanksgiving. I’ve been taking care of myself through this time (so thankful for the morning routine you encouraged me to establish and the timely recent mini-challenge to take care of yourself some every day!).
Today my daughter returned to work, the grandchildren are thankfully back in school and back in my care many hours a week. I was feeling discouraged because I thought I can’t get my feet under my goal(s) but in retrospect, I have accomplished A LOT in the past 5-6 months since joining your programs. I LOVED the part where you said, “if someone asked me did you accomplish your goals this year” and you could respond “yes!” because you re-evaluated and modified them to be more realistic throughout the year and DID achieve the realistic goal. Me too!
When I work thru the year end review, there will still be many things I intend to strive to improve and I’ll set what I think will be realistic goals based on my current reality but the awesome thing will be to be able to see and celebrate ALL THAT I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THE SECOND HALF OF THIS YEAR! I can go into 2021 knowing that the non-schedule I have can continue to have doable routines and the goals I set can be accomplished in stages /revisions and intentionally persevering to improve various aspects/things in my life. Simple, grace-filled, intentional days accomplish things we didn’t even know were so important when we started the year/process!
Anyway, I’m thankful and grateful for all you do for us! I didn’t want you to think that your program hasn’t been sinking in in my life. Every weekday morning I’m back to getting up at 4:30/5, working out at 5/5:30 and then have 1-1 1/2 hours to myself working on various things thru that routine. Yay! That is just one system in place that I’ve been working on. The past 3 weeks knocked me off course - thank you for sharing your challenges and always giving us perspective to help us get back on/stay on track!
- Alissa

The TOP Program is "AWESOME" I am currently in the program. Megan is the best at getting you back on a schedule. For me, my biggest challenge is scheduling all of my client work and how to use my calendar that works for me.
- Lorrie H.

I have to tell you, I cannot stop thinking about a comment you made on the video we did about wearing the same hat for the block of time. I didnt realize how much I wasnt doing that and now I am and I already see the difference! 😊
- Mindi H.

Thank you for being so real and imperfect! 😍 It makes you easier to follow and learn from stress free! I love that you share your life and how you came to be such a good teacher of processes and productivity! You make it feel achievable!
- June O.

Plan-a-Palooza has helped me turn planning into a regular thing and is mind-blowingly helpful!!!
- June L.

I wanted to say THANK YOU again for all your trainings... I don't get in the group much but because of everything you've taught me - and I can hardly believe I'm saying this....
but as of tomorrow, by the end of the work day, I will 100% gotten absolutely EVERYTHING (planned) and past due OFF my plate!!!
Earlier this year I said by May 31st... a couple of times I thought it wasn't going to happen (I did shift a few things off, like the big event) - and I had many MANY "unfocused" days (thanks to fibro).
BUT - I had things I wanted to tackle for the next 2 months, and I can hardly believe that I'm now able to focus entirely on them! (Creating some courses).
I said it to my daughter earlier while we were in the kitchen that I would be completely finished as of tomorrow, and she said, "Mom, I don't mean this in any bad way at all, but I'm kinda shocked. Because when you said that you expected that earlier this week, I thought for sure it would be another 2 weeks before you were done".
- Amber J.

This is a quick follow up after our chat (still feel so lucky to have had that one-on-one time with you!).
When we spoke, I (may have?) mentioned that I had 2 upcoming trips in 8 days sandwiching final exams.
Thanks to TOP Program and Plan-a-Palooza, it went off without a hitch … I got everything done – final exams were printed out before trip one [on Friday] and grading [of the Monday final] was done before trip two [2 days later on Wednesday] -- and enjoyed both trips (the first to celebrate my college friend and her retirement; the second to celebrate another friend’s investiture as a college president) ... and was at the gate ~an hour ahead of time on all flights (even the two at 6:10AM). What a concept! Any one of those things would have potentially derailed me in the past … and managing all three in succession??! Thank you! You are awesome – and your programs are life-changing!
Now that I know what’s possible, I’m even more excited about planning for Q3 … and learning about how to better plan for re-entry after a trip / conference / ….
- Johné

I turned off my notifications and played around with my apps on my main page to those I choose to use daily. I’ve had a very productive week.
Love the new app and the info you provide! Thanks so much Megan!
- Lynlee

My biggest take away was moving dishes and picking up the house to the evening when I'm most productive so I have the time to do for myself in the morning when I'm not at my best. Giving myself the time to read in the morning has been wonderful. I haven't had to microwave my coffee the past two days!
- Stacey M.

I have to chime in too. I was so overwhelmed with finishing a masters program working an internship the pandemic kids at home and the list goes on. She helped me focus find a system that got me through. We are now working on building a path forward in finding my purpose passion and a happy healthy view of work and finding work. I am rewatching the program now with a different purpose. Also the monthly calls are awesome. And I ditto the fact she has changed my life forever 💕. You can’t put a price on what her trainings and perspectives on life can add to help you find your path and stay focused.
PS- She did not ask me to comment, this is my personal belief
PPS - I’m absolutely in love with everything Megan teaches and I learn something new every time I interact with her.
- Jennifer L.

I have truly enjoyed this! You are so motivating and down to earth! It never occurred to me before that my bad mood in the morning was due to lack of me time.
Doing the personality traits and figuring out what I need to feel fueled was so enlightening. Every other morning routine I’ve ever tried was geared toward doing more task/chores in the morning.
I am loving how I feel after working out and having my coffee before serving others! Thank you so much!!!!
- Diane U.

I am a member of DSGC (noshamesalesgame / Colleen Nichols) and found you through watching a recent replay from January.
I watched that replay no less than three times and took pages of notes. When I tell you that training was meant for me to hear… It honestly makes me kind of emotional. I was laying on my living room floor one night listening like it was a sermon saying "YES / AMEN / YES!"
I’ve been in NWM with Mōdere for a little over two years now, and I actually have been quite successful, but I work allllllll. the. time. Lately, I have asked myself — while the money is great, and it has changed my life, is it worth the tremendous amount of stress I feel and hold it has taken on my mental health???
I joined DSGC because I am a total newbie to NWM and cringe at some of the practices.. and that led me to finding you. I've since downloaded your app and upgraded to have access to all the things. I started the Brain Dump exercise on Trello at the beginning of the week and I have to tell you -- that mental dump in itself was so helpful. And then the 48 hour subset.... check check check. I started to breathe easier. And a lot of the things crowding my brain weren't even super super urgent. Important, yes, but not 48 hours important.
I did the organize your apps on your phone training yesterday and turned a zillion notifications off and guess what... no one died. In fact, some people solved their own problems before I got to it. This is giving me mental clarity back because I've been CONTEXT shifting like it is my job for 2 years now and it has taken over. I see a light at the end of the tunnel thanks to you.
I'm also newly diagnosed with Adult ADD/ADHD at the age of 34 so that has been a challenge too... but so much of that lives within my time management, prioritizing, scheduling, and boundaries.
I appreciate your realistic approach to scheduling as well... it's NOT "schedule to the MAX, do it all or else you fail, and you are a terrible human if you get sucked into social media and waste time there." I appreciate your focus on NON working hours too. That's going to be an absolute game changer for me because I never schedule non-working time. When I relax in the bath at night, I'm working....
Next for me is diving into your weekly planning process. Thank you thank you thank you. I look forward to learning more and more from you.
- Janna C.

Biggest takeaway--"You have the right and responsibility to prioritize things that are 100% self serving". Thank you for a great bootcamp. You always make things fun and eye-opening!!!
- Suzy Kelly

Thank you for answering so many questions that we all had for you with this boot camp! I already feel so much better about getting a handle on all this!
- Darla Roberts

I went through the TOP Bootcamp again last week (I missed the last 2 days last time it was offered) and want to say thank you. I sure you hear this all the time, but your training, podcasts, and messages have blessed me tremendously! I have only scratched the surface and implemented just a few changes and have already seen results.
I wear many hats and know I am called to do more. There is an area in my life that I have not stepped into the next level out of fear of failure, battling perfectionism, and just not knowing how I can do it. Now I know how I can do it and am just going to do it afraid😁. You have helped push me out of my warm, comfortable nest and given me the tools to soar higher.
I have every intention of signing up for your TOP program, but not able to do it this round. I am looking forward to the next round. Keep doing what you are doing and making a difference in women’s’ lives.
- Kristie

Thank you so much!
I don't think I can thank you enough.
I know I have a long way to go to get to where I want to be, but I feel like there's finally hope that I can get myself sorted out despite all of my executive functioning issues.
You're a lifesaver, of that I have no doubt. 🥰
- Kathi L

I truly credit a lot of my success not only in my personal life but also in my business to getting organized and just learning how to do that, to you and this program! So often I thought I had it all together but like anyone who takes this course will learn, there’s a difference between having a goal and having realistic plan and action steps to reach those goals. Life-changing and mind-blowing
- Tiffany Christy

Wow. There were several take aways. The ones I believe will make the biggest impact are weekly planning in Trello and knowing what my time is worth. The impact this will have on me in 60 days will be less stress. More focused/intentional time on tasks that are important to me. I really think my business will be in a different place. I have already gotten my backlog into Trello. It is categorized for now. I have blocked time on Sunday evenings to do weekly planning. I have also linked a few Trello calendars into my Google Calendar for an at a glance overview. Thank you so much Megan for providing the course. It really was so helpful.
- Stephanie Briseno Georgoulakis

Second time TOP Bootcamper and now TOP Program Noob here... Just wanted to drop a note to say THANK YOU for all you do and share to support women.
I am working through my TOP Program Week 1 homework, and, after the Bootcamp, already started my brain dump onto a Trello board. I'm still soooo early in the stages and yet ALREADY feel mentally lighter. Not only am I carrying less swirl and to-dos in my head, I am starting to release the GIANT pile of guilt and shame that comes along with constantly over-promising and under-delivering. I can feel some confidence starting to trickle in to fill the void, and it feels AWESOME.
I know I may be a little drunk on the "new" and yet I'll take every bit of it.
Thank you again for sharing your passion, I'm grateful.
PS I'm the Bootcamper that cut my screen time average (on my phone, anyway) in half in just two days using the time limit tool.
- Steph

I feel like crying. I am reading through the workbook portion to get ready to start planning next week. I think it’s the perfect time to start fresh. I’m a Mental Health Therapist, mom time a one-year old, and I sell Color Street. I love organizing and making things pretty. Since I had my little one everything has been a mess. I stopped using my planner and I’ve been surviving. I started selling Color Street as a way to get back to myself. To have a hobby, be intentional, and encourage other woman. I absolutely love it, but I’m still surviving. I came across your Facebook, then podcast, planner, and I just ordered your program for direct sales.
I just wanted to tell you I am so so grateful for what you do. I needed this! I know it is so important and I am so excited to be able to have these tools to better myself which will better me as a mom, wife, and therapist. You definitely have a gift and I definitely will be sharing your info with others. thank you for giving me the tools to get out of survival mode and start working on Harmony! -
- Lauren Bonner

Looking forward to starting in full with the TOP Program.
I have to tell you - the whole "white space" concept was quite eye opening to me... to leave room for when stuff happens (which it does, EVERY day one way or another). Last night, I planned my week (and mainly the first 3 days in detail), and left white space around stuff.. plus going over trello and knowing I CAN shift things that are NOT priority to another time, and you know what My sleep score went to a whopping 90% last night according to my fitbit!! It's usually in the mid-80s to sometimes high 70s, rarely above 88%.
I did honestly feel like a big weight has been lifted off, just by those couple of concepts. I've worked for myself for over 23 years at home, and I'm always trying to tweak, but these two strategies have literally changed SO much in how I feel, not just how I slept.
And I haven't even started yet beyond your free training!! Can't wait to dive in fully. Sorry for babbling at you - but I wanted to share that, and I REALLY hope others see the value :) I have a zoom meeting with some friends tonight (just chit chat)... and last week I was feeling a little guilty and stressed for blocking the time for it because I had SO many other things to do (but we're organizing some gifts to send to other friends, so I HAVE to be on as I'm part of an organizer LOL) - and several times today I keep thinkng, wow, I DON'T feel guilty. Because now I set aside the time for it, AND I'm stress free.
Trust me, I rarely EVER give testimonials or comments because no one ever affects me this much! I'm honestly quite stunned by it LOL!
PS - you can quote me if you want! People NEED this.
- Amber

Thank you for such an awesome bootcamp.
I purchase a new planner every year always a waste of money for me, I love that you include the workbook! I had sworn off buying a planner this year, but I just ordered yours I’m looking forward to learning how to use it
- Ruby Aguilar

I have participated in Megan’s Top Bootcamp and her workshop about Growing Your Business in 10 Hours a week just this summer! Both of these have taught me not only about scheduling my time, but also being mindful of what you allow yourself to spend time on! I have stopped spending endless time on mindless tasks and I enjoy much more free time in my day! If you think scheduling your day sounds restrictive, let me tell you it’s exactly the opposite, it’s freedom!
- Meghan Diaz

After having kids and going back to work - I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Work. School. Drop off. Pickup. Dinner. Baths. Pack bags. Repeat. To-Do Lists Galore. I couldn’t figure out why I felt so disorganized and wasn’t getting anything MEANINGFUL accomplished. I had everything written down?! My days were running me. Running me into the ground. I was doing two things VERY wrong: I wasn’t planning in the right way, and NONE of my weekly plans involved ANYTHING for myself and MY goals.
In November, I was at my wits end - so I did something that literally has changed everything for me. I asked for H-E-L-P. And not help like you might think - not someone to clean the house or run kids around - someone that has been through what I was living - and could TEACH me a better way to harmonize all the hats I wore everyday. I didnt need an uplifting book or inspirational speaker - I needed life processes and procedures. Which is ironically hilarious because that’s exactly what I do at work to make accounting departments run smoother. I was so far in the trenches it didn’t even occur to me that’s what I needed, that “that’s just the way it is” for working Moms is not the way it has to be. It was almost embarrassing when I realized this. Over the last 6 months I have completely rewired my brain.
💥I ditched my To Do Lists,
💥Realized work-life balance is the biggest LIE a working Mom can EVER tell themself,
💥And learned how to really do goal planning.
Now this is my Sunday - each week. It’s my favorite time of the week. It makes for a successful, non-stressful, meaningful week and I now am making progress not spinning! Thank you, Megan, for your wisdom, guidance and friendship. You have helped me more than you can ever know 💕
- Jodie Borowicz

In addition, I want you to know that I have reached an understanding in key areas of my life that I have not been able to articulate or find a solution since enduring a few major life shifts: home, independence, work, and personal growth and development. By implementing your TOP program practices and exercises from modules 1-3, I have already found the nexus of these areas: the time framework, organization structure, and "command center" that was lacking and subsequently needed to maneuver through these areas. Jackpot!
I think what surprises me the most is the swiftness in seeing results. In a way it seems like yesterday I was in a pit, and now I am filling up the hole with your plan and I am climbing out, on a firm and solid foundation, one step at a time. I am thoroughly enjoying the work that is moving me forward as well as developing my voice and new identity. I cannot wait to see where I am in life at the end of this year.
I appreciate you Megan and the work you are doing for me and women all around the world. You are truly a welcomed relief to a saturated system of tasks without accomplishments. Thank you!
- Denise

I started the TOP program around May 31, and I can not describe how much my life and level of stress has improved! This is the best class I have ever taken. The benefits are over the TOP! :)
I had a realization this morning. I believed that I really could not afford the price of the TOP program but was so overwhelmed with everything that I was desperate to try anything to get back some feeling of control. I really prayed about the course and asked for guidance and wisdom. Today I realized that I could not have spent money better in my whole life than on the TOP course! I have not been able to start the 4th module today because of things that I was committed to finish but I have a sense of really accomplishing something! Thank you Megan! I mean it when I said I wish I had known you 60 years ago. You are a blessing to all of us. :D
- Linda Sponenburgh

Oh wow!! I loved how you showed us how you used Trello to create your Master Your Morning Challenge!! I can see now how Trello can be utilized in so many different ways! 🤩 Thank you again for this course!
Also, I really appreciate how you did it in small bites. It helped so much in 2 ways: I didn't have to start over from the very beginning every time I came back to learn more and secondly, it makes it a good reference source in the future if I need to come back and have a refresher on a particular aspect of Trello. 😄 Awesome!! Thanks again Megan!
- Sharon W

You are a great teacher. I like that the teaching sessions are only a few minutes so I don't lose interest. You explain clearly and doing the demo while you speak is most helpful. I can stop the video and do it on my own before I continue. I can also go back and review. Thank you. Before Trello and Megan had come into my life I was very overwhelmed, all consumed with everything! Life and business. After purchasing the Trello course I was so thrilled as all the pieces were coming together with each video.
The videos are bite sized! I was so surprised to get Megan's feedback on all my questions as I watched the videos so fast!
- Darla Roberts

May I be so bold to say that Megan Shisler Sumrell and her TOP Program put me on a whole new trajectory and *yes* changed my life?
- Leah S

I really appreciate the bite size lessons and they were easy to follow. I am in the process of moving my information to Trello and will now be able to get right to work. Thanks!
- Jennifer S

Apparently I need this! It only took me two months to finally open the workshop :-/ and I am so glad I did! I so appreciate that you kept each video short and succinct; your instructions were easy to follow, and I created my account and just followed along. I already have 3 boards started, and I'm on my way to better organization! A special thanks for showing your actual boards, and how you use Trello to create and flesh out projects. Trello is going to make my life easier! Thanks so much!
- Beverly Coomer

OMG, I'm only in module 1 and I'm already finding so much value in this training!! Thank you! Can't wait to get all the way through. I'm not 100% how I found you, but I'm so glad I did!
I had already come across Trello and used it as a novice, but I am learning a lot and will be able to organize my life a lot better with your training :)
- Charlene