Mother's Day Edition: Time Management Lessons from my Mom

Mothers are superheroes without capes. Or at least that’s how we feel most of the time. I recently celebrated Mother’s Day with my mom and it got me thinking about my amazing mother and all that I have learned from her.
I am sure we could all write a novel on life lessons our mothers have passed down and shared with us, but I would like to let you in on one huge lesson that has made the most impact in my life and business.
The phrase I love: “ You can do hard things”.
My mom never said that to us like that, but she showed it every single day. She had a husband who served two full tours in Vietnam. We had long stretches of time while he was gone serving his country. She had to deal with all the challenges that come with caring for and raising a family...often by herself.
As a young child, I never understood how hard that was..and my mom never made us feel like we were a burden to her. She just did the job. All of the jobs. She worked numerous part-time jobs in various places and juggled work and 3 kids.
Now that I am an adult...and a mom...I look back at my childhood with her and I often think, “I don’t know how she did it.” I really don’t. But what I do know is that I was raised by a woman that did hard things...and I know I can do them, too.
Getting out of overwhelm and managing stress is one of the biggest skills I help clients with. I believe that I started learning these skills by simply watching my mom.
In life and in business there are always seasons when we have to dig deep and stay focused to get things done. And, of course, we want to do our best to handle every situation with grace so our children or loved ones don’t feel the stress that comes from the struggle. My mom lived this to the fullest.
It is never too late to learn!
If you constantly find yourself overwhelmed and stressed out, take a step back. Know that we all can do hard things. And, maybe it’s time you ask for a little help?
I’d like to challenge you to think about your childhood and growing up. What lessons do you learn from your mom? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below.
Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram at Megan Sumrell for getting on top of all things, time management, organization, and productivity.
In this week’s podcast episode 85, I shared a few more lessons I learned from my mom if you’d like to hear more. I also go into depth about how to handle these situations better throughout my programs, which you can check out at