
This is my word for 2019.
That probably doesn’t send waves of inspiration over most of you….but to me, it is exactly what I need. I woke up with that word so clearly burned in my mind this morning and I KNEW it was “my word” for 2019.
I have big plans for 2019. I want to do amazing things. But, in order to do that, I need to focus on “less.”
As I have mentioned before, I am a recovering people pleaser. I love to help others. I have a hard time saying “no” to people. I like to get stuff done….a lot of stuff.
However, if I am serious about doing the things that REALLY excite me…if I am serious about pursuing my purpose in this life, I will have to do less.
Less clutter.
Less distractions.
Less commitments.
Less “yeses.”
Less weight.
Less worry.
Less self induced stress.
Less excuses.
I have been meditating and journaling on this word on and off all day…and I am filled with an incredible sense of peace. The phrase “less is more” is finally making complete and utter sense to me.
This is the year of LESS!