274 How to Stop Holding Yourself Back and Ditch Self-Sabotage with Mindi Huebner

Have you ever felt like you’re your own worst enemy? Self-sabotage can creep in without us even realizing it, holding us back from the goals we work so hard to achieve. In this episode, I’m joined by Mindi Huebner, an intuitive mindset mastery expert and personal coach, to uncover the #1 symptom of self-sabotage—negative self-talk—and, more importantly, how to overcome it.
As we head into 2025, it’s time to stop holding ourselves back and start showing up as the best versions of ourselves. This episode will help you identify where self-sabotage might be hiding in your life and give you the tools to ditch it for good.
Episode Highlights:
- What self-sabotage really looks like
- The root of self-sabotage: Negative self-talk
- How to identify and reframe self-critical thoughts using powerful, intentional practices to retrain your brain and rebuild self-trust.
- Actionable steps and the timeline for rewiring those long-held beliefs.
Connect with Mindi:
Unlock Your 24-Karat Success Podcast: www.mindihuebner.com/podcast
Listen to the episode here!
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[00:00:00] Intro: If you've ever heard of the term self sabotage and you thought to yourself, Ooh, I might do that a little bit. I know I do. I want you to really listen up today because I am bringing in an expert. She is a coach that I have personally worked with and has been life changing for me. And today she is going to be sharing the number one symptom.
[00:00:19] Intro: of self sabotage, especially for women, but then more importantly, what we can do to identify that and start to change that script.
[00:00:31] Megan: Hey everyone, welcome back to Work Life Harmony. I have a returning guest coming back, a fan favorite, the amazing Mindy Hebner because the topic that we're going to be talking about today is something I know I struggle with and sadly I think most women do more so than men. And it's something I've never really thought about The impact it can have on me both personally and in my work life.
[00:01:02] Megan: And it's really important. And the timing that we're actually launching this episode, we're kind of getting ready to wrap up the year and getting ready to head into a new year. So I think the timing is perfect because I'm adding this to something. I'm going to be very intentional. In my life about as we roll into 2025.
[00:01:19] Megan: So Mindy, welcome back. I'd love it if you'd take a couple minutes and introduce yourself, and then we're going to get started on this very important conversation.
[00:01:29] Mindi: Thank you so much for having me back again. I'm so excited to be here again. I'm Mindy Huebner. I am an intuitive mindset mastery expert, and I am obsessed with supporting high achieving women like yourself and those listening to the podcast to uproot and replace the outdated beliefs and habits that fuel things.
[00:01:56] Mindi: Like overworking, overthinking, negative self talk, to allow them to redefine the meaning of success. And, and if you're in business, grow and scale with way more ease, right? Like live that extraordinary life, have that time, location, financial freedom that you want.
[00:02:18] Megan: Oh, so important. And I will say one of the things, you know, I've always shared very openly I, I have worked with Mindy for years. She has been a personal coach of mine. And one of the things that I really appreciate about your work that I just want to talk about before we jump in is you are not someone who has built a practice around toxic positivity, which is something I am.
[00:02:38] Megan: I really am starting to see in lots of places and it drives me nuts. So I just want to throw that out there at the beginning for all of our listeners. This is not going to be a conversation where Mindy's going to tell you that you can solve all your life's problems by just staying positive and getting your gratitude journal.
[00:02:54] Megan: Now, I'm not here to say that gratitude journals are bad, but I think that there's just a lot of this. Movement out there. Just this toxic positive. The answer to everything is just always be positive, right? And that's to me now doesn't work. I need, I need tools to work through things instead of just ignoring them and trying to replace them with positivity.
[00:03:14] Megan: So thank you for always being so real and helping women actually work, work through their feelings and validating them. I think it's so important.
[00:03:23] Mindi: Thank you. Same, right? Our emotions, they are indicators, they are guides, they are Real, our experiences, like whatever, however we're feeling, right? This is our experience. And therefore we get to feel it and work through it, not we've all experienced shoving our emotions down and what that gets us, right?
[00:03:45] Megan: Yeah.
[00:03:54] Mindi: in us being honestly healing.
[00:03:57] Mindi: Our emotional intelligence is essential.
[00:04:01] Mindi: As you know from our work together, the more succinct you can get in naming the emotion and in releasing the emotional charge, the freer you are.
[00:04:12] Megan: So true. So true. All right. So you are here today to share with us. what the number one symptom of self sabotage is. So before you give us what that is, first, can you define what you are referring to when you talk about self sabotage? That's
[00:04:31] Mindi: When your actions go against your conscious desires and goals.
[00:04:35] Megan: I was expecting something a lot more prolific, but it, but that is like, it's just so, yeah, this is it. So say that again, one more time.
[00:04:41] Mindi: When your actions go against your conscious desires and goals. So you say you want this, but you act like
[00:04:51] Megan: I've never done that. Just kidding. Okay.
[00:04:55] Mindi: It is subconscious.
[00:04:57] Megan: the doing of it is subconscious. Yes. Yeah. I'm not actively going, let me like consciously here do something that goes against what my desires are. A hundred percent. I love that distinction. All right. So when we think about that, that definition of self sabotage, What in your experience is the number one reason here?
[00:05:18] Megan: The number one symptom.
[00:05:19] Mindi: Yeah. Yeah. The number one symptom. It's, it's literally the mother of all symptoms. We're going to like, okay, we're going to string this out for a minute though. So there are so many, there are so many symptoms of self sabotage. And ones that you have talked about many times and experience with women learning.
[00:05:39] Mindi: time management, productivity, procrastination is a symptom of self sabotage overworking. That's my personal brand of poison that I had to
[00:05:48] Megan: It used to be mine.
[00:05:50] Mindi: Yeah. As an aside, when you love what you do that overworking, right. You get to be real aware about is this keeping me from something?
[00:06:03] Mindi: Like, am I using this as a form of distraction or overthinking, indecisiveness. Avoiding risk is a form of self sabotage.
[00:06:16] Megan: Oh, yeah, Mindy. You can tell Mindy's been working with me for a while. I love to do that. Oh, no, no. I'm just like, I'm risk adverse. And I like to highlight that as a strength when sometimes I use it in a self sabotage way. So that's Mindy calling me out a little bit, folks.
[00:06:28] Mindi: I'm just saying it is. It is a form. Positive thinking only is a literally a form of self sabotage. So I was so glad that you said that in the beginning. Over preparation, comparison, needing constant feedback. All of these. Are different brands of self-sabotage, and the number one, the one that all of these are born from.
[00:06:51] Mindi: And that was not a comprehensive list. Self-criticism or negative self-talk.
[00:06:55] Megan: All right. Give us some examples. I mean, we can all think of the obvious examples of negative self talk, right? Especially I know where I, my mind goes as a woman standing in front of a mirror, right? I don't know a woman alive that has not stood in front of a mirror and picked themselves apart from head to toe in some form of negative self talk.
[00:07:16] Megan: What are some of the more subtle ways that maybe we're not aware? Negative self talk.
[00:07:24] Mindi: I'm gonna use overworking as an example because I'm so familiar with this . When you're talking about overworking and the self criticism that comes in there, so often it's tied to, well, your worth is determined by what you achieve.
[00:07:42] Megan: Yeah.
[00:07:43] Mindi: Yeah, so you're not worthy. You're not enough, right? Like you didn't work hard enough. You didn't check enough things off on your to do list today. You write all of this, if you were smarter, this, that you would work more like what's wrong with you that you're not putting in more hours. All of that self criticism and, and all of these subconsciously are tied to our belief around worthiness and fear of failure and or success.
[00:08:22] Mindi: that ultimately, like that's where every, in my opinion pretty much every symptom of self sabotage is going to lead to. It's going to be our worth and our fear of failure slash success, right? Because because we get so locked into The known, like who we know how to be. We're in the habit of being ourselves.
[00:08:46] Mindi: And so the moment that we bump up against something that sends signals that says, Whoa, this is, this is not how we usually show up here. Like, who will we be if we stop talking ish to ourself? Well, how will it be if we like, we would have the audacity to look in the mirror and go, you are something, babe.
[00:09:10] Mindi: Right? Like, killing
[00:09:12] Megan: it's
[00:09:13] Megan: interesting because we aren't born that way. You look at a room full of little girls who are dressed up for a party and they will openly tell you how beautiful they are and isn't this pretty? And don't I look pretty? Like I, I love, I love that childlike view of ourselves. What is it that starts to happen that makes it so that we aren't that
[00:09:39] Mindi: the world the world happens. I, I believe too. There's some generational things that come in there, like, like in your DNA, generational lineage. And it's not,
[00:09:53] Megan: Mm
[00:09:56] Mindi: then it comes up a whole lot easier because like you said, I, I would guess, and I don't know the statistics on this, but the majority of us are not born thinking we're not enough, like, like, don't quote me on that.
[00:10:10] Mindi: I don't have any statistics. However, I do think that that comes in really early and really quickly, and it depends on your environment, and it depends on sometimes socioeconomic status, like there's so many factors that come in there that can go one way or the other, right? Like nature, nurture, like that whole, that whole forever argument and discourse that happens.
[00:10:35] Mindi: And so will the words spoken over us though, as, as you know, and we've talked about many times the words we say after I am, Some of the most powerful words in the universe. As an aside, something happens called habituation. So the first time the little girls are, I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty, and someone goes, no you're not.
[00:10:56] Mindi: They go, well, I, I think I am, right? Like, yes, I am. Now, the more times that you hear that, The more times it's spoken over you that you're not, that you're not valuable unless you're achieving, hustled till you die, only that, like, all the more times those are spoken over, you, The more habituated you get, like, hearing that,
[00:11:22] Megan: Right.
[00:11:23] Mindi: if you are not actively combating it and, and being really aware of who you're being and what thoughts you're allowing to fire and wire together, then the next thing you know, you believe that.
[00:11:37] Mindi: And you don't question that because
[00:11:41] Megan: It's subtle, it's over such, yeah, it's not like this instant shift one day to the other. hypothetically speaking, if someone were to find themselves battling this symptom of negative self talk. I mean, not that I ever do, right?
[00:11:55] Mindi: Me neither. Never.
[00:11:57] Megan: Never, never. What are some tools that we can use first and foremost to have awareness of it on those subtle ones, right?
[00:12:09] Megan: Like, yeah, I'm already starting to, I didn't even realize. until this conversation, how some of the things I have in place that I've, I've told myself, this is a protection mechanism. I'm now realizing, Ooh, no, it's actually rooted in Some things that I am believing are, you know, that I'm holding on that are
[00:12:28] Mindi: Some limiting beliefs, some outdated, outdated beliefs, some limiting beliefs. I love that you said protection. Cause let's speak to that for just a second. It is
[00:12:37] Megan: Like let's use my risk adverse example. Like I can tell myself that all the time of, Oh, well, this is a great protection vehicle for me. Right. It's good to be cautious. It's good to risk adverse.
[00:12:50] Mindi: always show up as a protection, limiting beliefs, like they masquerade. most of the time, the majority of the time they masquerade as a protection to keep you in the known again, here we are back to your subconscious wants to keep you on the path of least. And there's the least amount of effort in you staying the way you are.
[00:13:12] Mindi: so you're going to stay that way. Like the, your known zone, we've talked about your known zone before. Some people call it the comfort zone. I always call BS on that because it's actually like, it's not necessarily comfortable. Lots of times we stay miserable and in the known.
[00:13:26] Megan: Right. Because it's the no. Yeah.
[00:13:27] Mindi: Yes. And it's easier
[00:13:29] Megan: how do we go about recognizing that no, this is actually negative self talk?
[00:13:36] Mindi: I would ask you to notice your unhelpful habit what are you saying? What are you doing? What are you not doing? Like really just take a step back. Like this is very akin to your time audit, right? This is more of a, like a behavior, emotional audit, like habit, emotion audit. So, okay.
[00:13:59] Mindi: You're getting ready for work in the morning. How do you feel? Right? Like, cause if all of a sudden you're like, you can tell.
[00:14:07] Megan: Okay.
[00:14:14] Mindi: saying anything. You might look at them and go, I give up, right? Something along those lines.
[00:14:19] Mindi: That is just like, you're, you're just watering that seed with that type of thing. What are you saying to yourself? And, and this is not again, comprehensive, and this isn't all women. However, I know that we as women, can find ourselves in this place. What are you saying when you eat something? What are you saying When you drink something, right.
[00:14:38] Mindi: What are you seeing when you're rest? Again, here we are back at my, my past personal poison was rest was lazy. And so I would just really say not nice things to myself about sitting down, being on the couch, going for a walk, doing nothing. Like, like the plan was to do nothing. That was so foreign when I first started it.
[00:14:59] Mindi: It was so uncomfortable. And I felt so guilty for, Or wanting to step into that. And I, I got to just keep rewiring those cause those neural pathways, the old ones will weaken and the new ones will strengthen when we commit to the habit of being this new version of ourselves. And so recognize who you're being, how you're showing up, what you're doing.
[00:15:25] Mindi: First, like that's the first thing, even if you sit down at lunchtime and, and like take a little audit of the day and recognize some behaviors, some habits, maybe some ways that you were feeling, you can just trace those back to, Oh, I was procrastinating. What? What made me start to procrastinate on that?
[00:15:46] Mindi: What did I say to myself about it? Right?
[00:15:49] Megan: part. What did I say to myself about it? Because usually people will, they talk to me a lot about procrastination for obvious reasons and they'll tell me. All the external things going on that led them to procrastinate. But what we really need to be looking at is what were you, what was the internal dialogue, or if you're like me and you talk to yourself audibly, the external self dialogue that I may be having.
[00:16:15] Megan: around that because it's so, it's so much easier to just look externally, right? And point fingers at all the reasons.
[00:16:22] Mindi: Always.
[00:16:23] Megan: Hmm. Interesting. Okay. So once we start to have this connection of looking, you know, thinking about what were my thoughts, what was I saying to myself? What do we do to stop this habit, if you will, because I think it is a habit of this negative self talk.
[00:16:40] Mindi: The first thing is I'm, I'm going to remind you how powerful you are that your brain deletes distorts and generalizes based on your beliefs. And so know that right now, the effort required in awareness, right? There's going to be gains in it. So it is like, it's, it's like going to the gym for the first time.
[00:17:01] Mindi: It's like, you are, it is put it in your schedule. Block the timeout, like be the woman who says, I'm going to be committed to this for at least a day to tune into it, right? Something like that. So you'll start to shift that, that filter for yourself. And so once you're recognizing the negative self talk, And you get to then, you can ask yourself a couple questions.
[00:17:29] Mindi: you can say, is this true? Right? We could just do the straight right to, is this true? You know, like, I have to work hard in order to, I mean it, and, oh, and here's the next thing. Probably you're not saying, well, I have to work harder to be valuable. Like that, you're probably not saying that out loud to yourself.
[00:17:46] Mindi: I mean, you, you might be, but it's going to sound very different than that. And so you're going to be a detective. You're going to honor yourself and be a detective and say, okay, what am I making this mean? What is it? This equals what? So that's
[00:18:02] Megan: I sit down and rest right now, I'm not a true entrepreneur, right? Because.
[00:18:07] Megan: me for my soapbox for a minute. I love Shark Tank, but if you watch Shark Tank, they perpetually talk about real entrepreneurs are sleeping on the floor of their friend's apartment because they put every ounce of their time and be like, we're being told that.
[00:18:21] Megan: So therefore, if I'm not working 24 seven, I'm not truly a business owner, right? So that could be what you're telling yourself as why you're working all the time.
[00:18:31] Mindi: exactly. And ultimately then that's going to tie back to, well, if I'm a real entrepreneur, that's where my value is. That's where my identity is, which we're going to like, we're going to go to identity. So really checking into that, right? Like, what am I making this mean? is this actually true? Like what are the gains and losses of continuing to believe this for myself?
[00:18:55] Mindi: Here, here's again how powerful you are. Not only can you think a greater thought, you can think an intentional thought. So, all of us have random thoughts, boop, boop, bopping around, even the, you know, single cell amoebas, whatever. Like, like, they're way too smart. They got thoughts bouncing around all the time.
[00:19:15] Mindi: Next level of that is, Recognizing thought. Oh, I don't have to think this thought. Next level is intentional directed thought. Like, here is what I am going to intentionally think. Now you can call these affirmations if you like, but they're not just positivity. Like, this is intentional directed thought.
[00:19:39] Mindi: You are training your brain. When I think This I've made it mean like I'm not a real entrepreneur. I'm not a good mom If or whatever that
[00:19:48] Megan: Oh, yeah, that's a good one.
[00:19:50] Mindi: right? Mm hmm when I think this I am going to intentionally direct my thought toward something that is more true than that. like, I am gonna move my attention from, I'm gonna see that, I'm not gonna ignore it.
[00:20:04] Mindi: You and I have done this work many times. I'm not going to ignore the fact that my brain is telling me this. This is a habit. It's habituated. I get to say, oh, I see you. Hit the bricks. Like I am, I am going to train my brain and create a new neural pathway because the old one will weaken and the new one will strengthen and it will require effort.
[00:20:25] Mindi: I, I am not going to lie to you about it. It is
[00:20:27] Megan: No, it's funny. I'm thinking back to my, you know, many, many years ago overworking Megan when I was, I would be embarrassed if I didn't like work in the evening after my daughter, like, I just thought that meant I wasn't being real, like a true entrepreneur. And I know a lot for me of rewiring that was, Recognizing like the more I rested, the better my work became and the quicker I got it done.
[00:20:54] Megan: Right. And so that for me, that was the message I had to keep telling myself was no. And this is why I say, you know, I believe rest is a form of restorative preduct productivity. Right. And so for any of my overworkers out there that might help you as well is, I mean, be honest, what kind of quality are you putting out there when you're, Pumping in caffeine at 10 p.
[00:21:15] Megan: m. at night and working all hours of the day and all of that. And are you building something that you even enjoy?
[00:21:20] Mindi: Exactly. Yes.
[00:21:22] Megan: But yeah, that didn't happen overnight. I didn't have that revelation. And then the next day overworking, hustle load Megan disappeared. It was a journey, but now I don't even have to think about it. Like that's not, that is no longer a form of self sabotage that I've got my, don't, don't get me wrong.
[00:21:38] Megan: Everyone got my long list of other ones are working on, but at least that one is pretty well under control.
[00:21:42] Mindi: as these are rooted in the subconscious as well, all of that self criticism, negative self talk, right? That chips away as well at our self esteem.
[00:21:55] Mindi: every time you cast a vote, thank you, James Clare, every time you cast a vote, every time you flex your muscle in the direction of building your self esteem.
[00:22:06] Mindi: You're building your self esteem. You're, you're rewiring and you're showing your brain, because your RAS, in very simple terms, your reticular activating system, is going to bring you what you expect and anticipate. So, if you're expecting it and,
[00:22:20] Megan: the minute you go buy a red car, all you see is red cars, right? Your brain now, that's all it sees. Yeah.
[00:22:24] Mindi: yes, yes, yes. if you expect and anticipate, That even though some self criticism may be a habit that you're working on, you're intentionally directing your thought, then your brain's going to find more proof.
[00:22:42] Mindi: Right. That your value is not determined by how many hours you put in or how many things are on your schedule or what the scale says or or that your life doesn't look like so and so's or that, right. All the, all the ways that we get caught up in that.
[00:22:59] Mindi: And so you'll, you'll, you'll train your brain as we talk about every single time, right? This is you. you're already doing this in the direction of things that don't serve you. So why not just shift that
[00:23:11] Megan: Yeah, if you're already thinking the thoughts and ruminating, why not spend the time heading you in the path you want to be on?
[00:23:17] Mindi: Exactly. Exactly.
[00:23:20] Megan: So important. Now, when would you say? That we, and I'm sure there's probably not, I know there's not a set number you could put on this, but let's say someone listening is like, okay, I see an area where I, I really am struggling with negative self talk and I'm going to be very intentional and thoughtful about that.
[00:23:38] Megan: What does it look like in terms of when it might start to become more natural and we actually start to rewire? I mean, we know this doesn't happen overnight. Does this need to be a 20 year journey or like kind of what are we looking at here?
[00:23:53] Mindi: That's an excellent question. How devoted do you want to be to making these new neuropathways for yourself? Cause neuroplasty, like you've got the tools, baby. You've got the tools already. Your brain is designed as such that you can get this started immediately. Now, research tells us that habits I hate to burst anybody's bubble.
[00:24:17] Mindi: It is not 21 days. Like, like neuroscience wise. It doesn't mean that you are not, you don't, you didn't create a habit in 21 days that you loved showing up in because that's who you are. And you were like, yes, this is a habit now. In your brain, the neural pathways are the same. 67 days of doing something consistently, consistently 67 days, you now are even with the old neuropathway and the new neuropathway was, is research that it's a couple of years old, but I don't think that it's changed at all.
[00:24:49] Mindi: Now after
[00:24:50] Megan: looking for this the other day, and I haven't found one more recent than that. So I'm feeling like that still kind of lives.
[00:24:56] Mindi: Cool. Yeah. Yeah. So after the 67 days is when the new neural pathway gets stronger and the other one starts to weaken. And, and so knowing that 67 days is what neuroscience says, you could be better than that. You could do it sooner than that. You can start right away.
[00:25:13] Megan: And honestly, that's not, if we're looking at breaking, probably self talk patterns we've had for years, right, 67 days isn't that long. It really isn't. It's,
[00:25:28] Mindi: I would say, what do you want to think instead? So we, when we talk about identity, identity, our identity is our repeated way of being our who we are being in relationship to what we say we want. This is our identity. So we're not just moms or. Or partners or right, single cat ladies we are we were business owners or we're, you know, corporate executives or we are I'm trying to think of one of those really fancy words for stay at home mom.
[00:26:00] Mindi: I love those because those, those women need to be paid the most amount of money ever.
[00:26:05] Megan: Career caregivers, man,
[00:26:07] Mindi: exactly. Exactly. Like all the, you know, the people who run everyone else's lives like kind of thing. We're not just Those people in our identity, right? As, as we've talked before, cycling through identities is vital.
[00:26:21] Mindi: I don't want to show up as the grandma of a two year old, you know, to this call and, and talk to everyone like that. Right. I want to be in the identity of expert and, and woman who understands and right, dot, dot, dot, all those other things. So. Our identity plays a big part in this. We want to know who we want to be.
[00:26:47] Mindi: So when we're tackling the negative self talk, and you might start higher than that, you might start in the procrastination or you might start in the overworking or you might start in the overthinking or the analysis paralysis, and then go, go back to the source of that. This is a great place to start too.
[00:27:04] Mindi: What? Makes me feel like this is how I have to behave. When did I decide that this was how I was going to get to what I wanted? Cause, cause when we step back, logically we can see a pretty clear path. Like this is not going to get me here. Like this is not sustainable, right? I've been doing this for years and I'm still here.
[00:27:27] Mindi: So if I want to get there. I get to create a,
[00:27:31] Megan: to have to go a different direction.
[00:27:32] Mindi: yeah, exactly. Temporary fixes aren't going to work. You know, if my identity is that I'm a hot mess. I am a terrible time manager even enrolling in a program, buying a planner, getting an app, not going to help me until I work with the root of that, that's subconscious.
[00:27:51] Megan: 100 percent yeah, because now you're just going to be a person who owns a planner that says I'm a hot mess and I bought a planner, you haven't changed your belief about who you're going to be with it. Yeah.
[00:28:01] Mindi: exactly. So knowing what that identity gets to look like and, and reminding yourself that anytime an identity is constrictive, it's time to blow the walls out on it. It's time to get real curious about who we're being and how we're showing up and what form of protection that is. And we always want our identities to be expansive.
[00:28:21] Mindi: Like it gets to feel like, Oh, I got some room to move in here. Right? Like I'm not just. In this tiny lane or in this tiny box, there's lots of space in here and I could blow the walls out at any time that I wanted and our mindset is the way that our relationship with the way that the meaning that we've given the way that we think about something.
[00:28:44] Mindi: And so remembering that mindset and identity. They are, you know, twin sisters. They are not the same thing. However, they are essential. They, they are inextricably linked to each other. And mindset is not everything. It is the one thing that unlocks everything else though. It is the one thing that allows you to then tackle the rest is your relationship with time, money, the way you talk to yourself, people, circumstances, like all the things,
[00:29:15] Megan: We'll just end with that because that's like a mic drop right there. I love that. It's the thing that unlocks everything else.. . So I know you have especially because folks here that are listening to this are podcast listeners.
[00:29:27] Megan: I would love for you to talk about kind of your, limited series, if you will, podcasts that you have available. I think it's fantastic. That will really help if you are listening to this and you're thinking, God, you know what, yeah, maybe, maybe there's some things I want to learn about mindset, about what I can, you know, actually do to improve this.
[00:29:47] Megan: Can you tell everyone where they can follow along and listen to your series that you've got?
[00:29:51] Mindi: Yes, absolutely. So it is called unlock your 24 karat success and you can find it at Mindy Huebner dot com forward slash podcast.
[00:30:02] Megan: we'll put the link in the show notes because Huebner is H U E B N E R and it's Mindy with an I, so that way, don't worry, we've got a link for you in the show notes, I would say for, because you're listening to this. I know you like podcasts. Definitely add this on because I have listened to it in its entirety now more than once.
[00:30:20] Megan: You hear new things every time you listen, right? Cause we're not the same person when we listened to it three months later that we were. So again, I just want to thank you for being here today and sharing your precious time with us. I know I'm going to be putting a lot of thoughtfulness here for the rest of this year, very limited time left thinking about where.
[00:30:41] Megan: Where that negative self talk is still living for me to really say, what can I, you know, set some goals and boundaries around for 2025 to really continue to chip away at this. So thank you so much.