How to Conduct a 90 Day Check-in on Your Goals

Goal Setting. What comes to mind when you think of setting goals? Most people think about January, not April, right?
But, guess what friends?
You should be connecting with, revisiting, and looking at your goals often!
When January hits, everyone gets excited about setting goals. But for some reason, we feel confined to only set goals at the start of a new year. By the time February hits, we start to lose sight of our goals. March disconnects us even more and then by April, we have just decided to wait until next year to try again.
Goal setting should be an ongoing process. And, there may be phases and stages in life where we're not focused on big goals, either. Sometimes, we are intentionally holding back to refresh and refuel before we launch on our next big adventure.
First and foremost, this blog post assumes that you took the time to set some goals or intentions for yourself this year. Hopefully, you wrote them down.
Now, let’s get honest. Have you started them? Or, did you start strong and then taper off?
This is the perfect opportunity for you to seriously think about why you have stalled (or maybe never even started). Why? Because now is the perfect time to change your plan (or even your goal) if you need to.
Chances are if you have a goal you never started on (or started and then stopped), it is because of one of these 2 reasons:
- The goal you set doesn’t excite you at all.
- You never created a realistic action plan to get there.
The good news is this: Anytime is a good time to revisit your goals!
If your goal is no longer in alignment with your priorities, life, and greater purpose, guess what? You have the complete power to throw it away and change it.
If you are still excited about your goal and want to get into action, then you need a plan. This plan needs to be broken down enough that you have actionable items to start on tomorrow.
A goal without an action plan is just a dream, friends.
Your homework today is to check in with your goals that you set for yourself in January and have a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself.
What progress have you made on your goal?
What are you going to do about it?
What do you want to change?
If you didn’t set any goals in January, your homework is different. I don’t want you to wait until next January to think about your goals. Permit yourself to start at any time! Start today.
And remember, I am always here cheering you on.
Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram at Megan Sumrell for getting on top of all things, time management, organization, and productivity. You can also go to and read my post on 3 things you can stop doing today to stop wasting time!