252 Building Authentic Connections and Mastering Time Management with Becky Launder

Building Authentic Connections and Mastering Time Management


If building and maintaining relationships is important to you, I sit down with Becky Launder, an expert in network marketing and direct sales and she shares her unique formula for fostering connections. From her extensive experience in direct sales to running a business with her husband while managing a busy home life, Becky offers invaluable tips on how intentional planning can enhance both personal and professional relationships. Tune in for strategies that are not only beneficial for business but also for nurturing friendships and loved ones. 

In this episode, we cover:

  • Becky's "three, three, threes" formula, a daily outreach strategy that ensures authentic engagement without overstepping boundaries
  • Practical tips on scheduling interactions with current and potential customers
  • A look into Becky's home life and how she successfully juggles a thriving business with family responsibilities

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Hey friends, I have a delightful guest here today. I swear our paths have been crossing for years and we finally sat down and got connected. So if you are in any place in life where building and maintaining relationships are important to you, you're going to wanna listen to today's episode. Now, becky is an expert in the network marketing and direct seller space and she has an amazing formula that she's gonna be sharing here today on how do you build and maintain relationships which are such an integral part to business. But I think it's really a fascinating conversation to also think about just in all parts of our lives, right? How many of us have those friends and loved ones that? Oh, I just kind of fell off because I ran out of time and, as always, it's going to come back to a conversation around intentional planning, right? So I'm excited for you all to meet Becky here today. Let's go ahead and get started.


Welcome to the Work-Life Harmony podcast. Guess what? You don't have to feel constantly overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed out. There is another way, when you have the right systems and tools, to feel constantly overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed out. There is another way when you have the right systems and tools to plan and manage your time. You can live a life of harmony. If you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed, this is the show for you.


Hey, everyone, welcome back to Work-Life Harmony. I have a guest here today that is all decked out in pink, which always makes me happy because we share a passion for our pink, and this is a conversation I'm pumped about because it is something that I mean. While it certainly benefits business owners, direct sellers I think it's also really beneficial just for mental health and life in general, which is around. How do we intentionally plan to build and maintain and foster relationships, which is not something we usually think about when we're planning our time? So welcome to the podcast, becky. I'm thrilled to have you here. Why don't you give everyone a quick intro about yourself and then we will get chatting?


Yeah, thanks, megan. I'm so excited to be here and for those of you, I have not yet met Becky Launder. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Modern Direct Seller. My background is in corporate and marketing strategy. I fell in love with the direct sales and quickly built several big six-figure businesses and spent some time in the direct sales world, and now I have the privilege of supporting both direct sellers, the direct sales world, and now I have the privilege of supporting both direct sellers and direct sales companies to really help their business grow faster. So I have an academy, I have a podcast and I'm behind the scenes and a little bit on the stage for a lot of my corporate clients as well.


Yeah, oh, my goodness, and we, our paths started crossing, I think like four years ago, five years ago it's been a while and we finally were just like, okay, we keep like two ships passing at night, it seems like. And then I can't remember the exact moment. But finally a huge spot in my heart and in my life for women in the direct sales industry, because I kind of that. I really credit that as my initial. Maybe I don't need to be in corporate for the rest of my life. All those years ago, like look, there's so many other opportunities and I think it can be an outstanding space just for some personal development as well, which was very new to me back then.


So I think it's one of the best spaces just to really kind of get a taste of entrepreneurship, because you're not managing all the things, you're managing some of the things, but it's a great way to just baby step into it Very low risk.


Yeah, 100%, and so I love that you have such a unique position where you are serving both the entrepreneurs that are building their own direct sales businesses and the companies as well, because I bet you do. You have a lot of opportunity to help bridge some gaps there where there may be disconnects, which is so, so important, absolutely.


Yeah, it's pretty eye-opening. You kind of get a peek behind the curtain, but then you're also like, hey, this is what's actually working Boots on the ground, people in the field, this is what I'm hearing, this is how things are changing. So it is kind of a unique vantage point, and I love being on both sides of the coin. I bet.


Now let folks know what your home life looks like, because I always think it's important. You know, when I have someone on the show that is running such an incredibly successful company as you are, what does that look like for you, what's your home situation, et cetera.


Yeah, great question. So I run my business with my husband. So in 2020, in the midst of COVID, he stepped away from his corporate engineering job and most of the world probably thought we were pretty crazy at that point in time to decide to leave that income behind and go all in on the business. So we work together. He handles kind of all the finance and legal and tech all the things I'm not very good at and don't love doing and then I'm more forward-facing sales, marketing, client delivery, that type of work and then we have two kiddos. So my daughter is 11 and my son is nine.


So we are in the midst of elementary school and transitioning up to middle school. So lots going on in terms of sports and activities. In terms of our work, we really try to work while they're at school. There's definitely times that we work while they're not at school, but that's the vision is to really be working when they're at school and have those afternoons free to be doing kid activities and evenings together, and occasionally we're popping back on in the evening to wrap up some things at the end of the day.


Yeah, now I have to imagine that takes some coordination and planning.


There is a little bit of coordination and planning. Yes, I'm telling you, there's a Google calendar that is shared with my husband and a lot, and really once a week, just like you teach, we touch base and we're like, okay, who's got this on Tuesday? I got this on Wednesday, I'll meet you there. You take that kid there. I'm going to be in this meeting doing a podcast, so you got to go relocate somewhere else because I'm going to be talking loud to Megan. A little bit of coordination and planning involved, yes.


I love that. Now, one of the things that I know you are really passionate about that also, you know you teach specifically to direct sellers, but I think it's true for any part of life, whether you're running a business or not is we all have relationships that we desire to invest time in, that we want to see blossom and grow. I think that we all have those. Oh, there's that friend that I miss and I just kind of let it fall through the cracks and I wished I hadn't. And I know you have some very strong thoughts on this and actually a formula that you help teach people around how do we build new ones, foster existing ones and really intentionally do that? Because I think I know I'd never thought of building this into my actual weekly plan before. So what does that look like?


Yeah, no, I love this question so much and I often talk about it outside of kind of a planning angle you would say right, because I really feel like in the world of direct sales, one of the biggest differentiators that a direct seller can bring to the table is a personal relationship with their customer right store, where you're just clicking, clicking things are shipping, you're actually getting to know someone and hearing what their challenges are and offering them solutions, and the more you build relationships, quite frankly, the more sales you have in your business. So it's one of those things that I feel is really fundamental to see growth in your business, and it's also one of those areas that people tend to avoid a little bit, like I'd rather go create 45 graphics in Canva and fiddle around than actually go talk to a customer directly. Why do you think?


people avoid this.


You know it's interesting. I think that there's a fear factor, especially in the sales world, that, like you're going to come across spammy or icky, and there's some confidence there around, like I'm approaching this out of genuine, authentic caring. I'm not trying to sell you on something or be icky. And the way that I teach this is not that you need to talk to everyone about business 24-7, because, frankly, if that's all you're talking about, people are going to think you're a little icky and spammy. So it's important to really approach it from a place of customer care and support.


So the formula itself is, each day reaching out to three current customers. So three people that have shopped with you before, your repeat customers that you're loving on, three people that you'd love to become a customer so oftentimes these are our lurkers, those people that are kind of passing by, they're seeing what we're doing but they haven't actually made a purchase with you yet and then three people that you'd love to collaborate with or, in the direct sales world, three people you'd like to add to your team. So it's nine conversations a day and when you do that over the course of a year, that's over 3,000 conversations, which, if I told you right now oh, megan, go have 3,000 conversations. You'd be like that's crazy, no.


Well, even nine a day sounds daunting. When I hear conversation I'm like well, there's 30 minutes times nine. What does this type of conversation look like?


Yeah Well, there's two ways that you can approach this. One you can be really intentional about who you're talking to and connect on a business note if there's something businessy to talk about, or just personal. And then I have a lazy girl method, because we all like a lazy girl method, and that's simply just responding to people's stories. We all have days where we can only fit in five minutes of this.


Other days, maybe you have a full 30 minutes or an hour to dedicate to having good conversations, but if you have one of those days when things are just super hectic, it's simply just leaving a thoughtful comment on people's stories, because over on social media, when they're posting to their stories, they're posting about things they care about Something in their own business, something in their own life, something about their kids or their family or their travel. So whatever they're posting about, you can simply just engage back with, and the more that you do that on the regular, the more people that are in your network and in your world. So I train my students to actually block 30 minutes each day for their daily three, three, threes and if you looked at my calendar right now, you would see that I also have it from 2 o'clock to 2.30, and it says 333s. Do not skip.


I love that. It's easy to get skipped over. Sure, yeah, because we think, oh, I can do that later, oh, I'll just do that here or tomorrow, I'll just do twice as much. But I love that you're saying and this is why I love that you know, anytime, talking about planning is anything that we want to do and the same thing that I teach, which I know you share of like, these are the things that are important to me, whether it's personal business, whatever. How is it showing up in your calendar? So?


that you see, when specifically do you have time to do it? If you tell yourself at two o'clock, oh, I'll do it later, yeah, and you don't, you're not planning. Well, you may not see. There isn't a later that day Like this, was it? The rest of the day is, you know, running the afternoon gauntlet and all that comes with it, yeah.


Well, and I think, megan, you and I have both kind of shared the same sentiment that, like you know, people say you can work your business into the nooks and crannies of your day. Like you can send those messages while you're in line at the grocery store, while you're at a stoplight or while you're at kids' baseball practice, and the reality is like, maybe you can, but like, do you really want to? I mean, I don't. That's not how I like to structure my day. I don't want to be sending quick messages on my way to school, as I'm dropping my kids off, or while I'm watching my kids' baseball game. I'd rather be watching the baseball game. So I think it's another way just to really intentionally carve out that time and do those things that we know we're going to make a difference, that we know are priorities in the business, but often just kind of get brushed on the rug because it's the last thing on the list to do.


Yeah, and it's funny, as you were talking through this, I buy products from a lot of different direct sales companies because I mean, hey, if I can support another entrepreneur as opposed to, you know, amazoncom or whatever, I'm always going to choose to do that when it's a product I like and enjoy. And when I think about the products that I purchase that I, without ever being asked, promote myself, shout out the person that I get them from, letting people know oh my gosh, I love this stuff. Oh, here's who I get it from. You know, go check her out. Tell her you know. Just tell her I sent you so she'll know why the heck you're here. When I think about the people that I am often doing that with, I realize I feel like I do have a personal relationship with them, Meaning I genuinely believe that they view me as someone other than just someone that's spending money on them, Because I'll have women running direct sales teams where, if there's something new that they know, I mean anything with a, B or pink.


When they're sending me a thing. I get a message about that. I just want to be found.


I just want to look like you, but it's even messages that I get and connections I get from them that have nothing to do with their business. Yeah, and it's funny you feel that, but I haven't ever really sat back and thought about, okay, who are the businesses that I support, products that I get, and the ones I really openly share with others, and it's because I feel that connection with them.


Yeah, I love that. And the other thing about this formula that I think is interesting as well is that oftentimes we do feel really good about talking to our current customers. That's kind of the easy three Like, of course, talk to Megan and Becky and Susie. They're amazing. They always shop with me. I already know that we have that no like trust factor.


Where it starts getting a little bit more challenging for people is those people that, like they haven't shopped with you yet or they haven't expressed interest in joining your team, but you see something in them that you'd love to you know, or somebody you'd love to collaborate with. Like Megan was on my list for months, I'm like I got to connect with her, I got to connect with. Like Megan was on my list for months. I'm like I got to connect with her, I got to connect with her. And then finally, like our paths crossed on LinkedIn. I'm like, oh, finally, like you know.


So I think it is some of those things where you're like, okay, like you know, we get a little. I call it the chicken list. Like the people that you're a little bit like, oh, I'm a little nervous or chicken about reaching out to or talking to for one reason or another, but truly, if you're approaching it from a genuine like I just want to build this relationship, good things are going to happen from that Like maybe you're not going to get a sale today, but over time you're going to build up that relationship with them and they're probably going to ask you more about what you're doing.


And it's interesting. I'm even thinking of it with the lens of my business on now, talking to my existing top program students getting in the weeds with them, reaching out with them, answering their emails. I do that all day long. I love it. It energizes me Again. You're working with the people that are in there and I still will get nervous or uncomfortable with you know, promoting something or sending that email to people that are not current students. Right, for all those same reasons, and I will. The one thing I will always battle procrastination on are those tasks, and if they don't go in my planner as as no, this is when you're doing these things that feel a little scary then I will pass them by every single time.


Yep Absolutely, absolutely.


Yeah, oh, so good. Now where can people connect with you to learn more about what you do and maybe even more about your 3-3-3 formula?


Yeah, absolutely. So you can come hang out with me over at moderndirectsellercom. All of our handles on social Modern Direct Seller, rebecca Lander. I can give you all the links, megan, so you? Can link them up in the show notes. And if you are interested in that 333 formula, we do have a download to kind of help you keep track of those conversations. So you can find that over at moderndirectsellercom slash 3000. So that would be a good place to go to.


Wonderful and I will say I always catch your live trainings on LinkedIn every Monday, so you know anyone in that space that isn't currently in Becky's world I highly recommend. Whatever your favorite platform is, the good news is Becky's everywhere. So whether it's the brand Facebook, linkedin. All the places definitely connect in because you pour a lot of really great valuable information out every week that people can tune into, which I think is incredible, so thank you for that.


Oh, this was such a treat. I loved being here today and I'm excited to continue watching your journey unfold as well. So excited, yes absolutely.


Thanks so much, becky. Getting on top of all things time management, organization and productivity doesn't have to stop just because this episode is over. If you are feeling overwhelmed, your calendar's out of control or you're just running in a race that will never end in terms of your to-do list, I have great news for you. I have an app in both the App Store and Google Play called the Pink Feed, and it is chock full of small but incredibly powerful trainings to help you get out of overwhelm. It includes my signature Ditch the Overwhelm training and introduction to my time management framework, built specifically for women. In addition, you get access to my epic one notebook challenge and some tips and tricks on how to get your phone organized to minimize distractions. All of that is available for you right inside the Pink Bee app. So open up either your app store or Google Play, do a search on the word the Pink Bee all one word and download the app to get started today.



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