Why Your Time Management Strategies Might Be Wrong and How to Fix Them

So by now, we know that The TOP Program is the #1 time management system for women (at least, I hope we do).
But, that doesn't mean much if we're not on the same page about what "time management" actually means. Get out your pens, and turn to page 294 because we're about to be totally in sync. By the end of this post, you'll understand that time management isn't something to dread but something to embrace for ultimate productivity with less overwhelm.
Time Management Can Work FOR You Not Against
Common thought has maligned poor sweet T.M. There it is, out there, trying to help you with your schedule, and you resist it because you think it means every minute of the day is scheduled or that every day is a race to "win" at getting things done. People also assume that every day has to follow the exact same blueprint. Essentially time management has a workhorse reputation with a severe judgemental side. It wants to run the show and control every second of your day…
This couldn't be further from the truth. Time management is here. I just want the best for you and your schedule. And together, we'll figure out the best way for it to work for you.
The primary tenant The TOP Program is built on is empowerment. I want to make sure you are empowered to make the best decisions in spending your time, and you have a calendar you control and not the other way around.
Going from Frazzled to Under Control
We'll look at everything you have to do and strategize how it will fit into your week/month/year efficiently. You'll also learn to avoid the "what do I even do" paralysis; you know of what I speak.
You're so overwhelmed that the idea of just beginning is terrifying. So you scroll on your phone for 10 hours (why is it so effortless), and then you beat yourself up and have 45 coffees to work miserable through the night. You'll have peace of mind knowing you don't have to panic because you're going to get things done today.
Tell your coffee shop it's not them. It's you.
Making Time for the Unexpected in Your Schedule
Planning down to the second is not only overwhelming and tedious, but it also doesn't take into consideration all the "what-ifs" that come along in everyone's life. If you don't have room to shift things around when life happens, you start running on the hamster wheel of constant catch up; and you sacrifice your sleep and weekends to do so.
The TOP Program will teach you the art of the pivot; how to re-organized your responsibilities without losing momentum or sleep. You learn how to make sure your important tasks are done first, so there's less pressure if and when you have to shift things around.
You'll remember that you're the one in control of your schedule, and you'll end your weeks sans burnout since you had time to decompress, rest, and know what to prioritize.
You might be sitting there thinking, "that all sounds cute, but I really just do not have the time." You're probably just hanging on, right?
Leave Survival Mode Behind
But, here's the thing, The TOP Program can help you thrive, not just survive. I'm not asking you to find five extra hours during the week magically; if you can prioritize 1 hour instead (and it can even be 15 minus 4x a week), I promise this program will transform your work and home life. The TOP Program is designed for efficiency (did you expect anything else) and to integrate seamlessly while you're still actively tackling your other standard tasks.
THAT is why it's worked for so many and can work for you too.