an event That Incorporates
ALL the Roles In Your Life!



*Hint* you can achieve your goals,
have fun, AND have time for yourself. 

100+ Page Annual Planning
Digital Workbook + Replays Included!




an event that incorporates all the roles in your life!



*Hint* you can achieve your goals, have fun, AND have time for yourself.  

100+ Page Annual Planning
Digital Workbook + Replays Included!


Are you tired of ending your year feeling like nothing of meaning was accomplished?

Have you had enough of being "busy" and want to start being productive?

Do you wish you could pivot with ease without abandoning your goals?

Are you tired of ending your year feeling like nothing of meaning was accomplished?

Have you had enough of being "busy" and want to start being productive?

Do you wish you could pivot with ease without abandoning your goals?

Then I'm confident this workshop will work for you...

I'll cut to the chase.

I'm tired of the word "busy."

It breaks my heart to see so many women in a constant state of exhaustion and overwhelm.

Women everywhere are juggling too much.

It's a fact.

We are stuck feeling like we don't have control over our time and our plans often change due to the realities of our lives.

And because of that reality, we have to plan, manage, and prioritize our time in a very specific way.

Women can not expect to live a fulfilling life by "winging it."  We also should not have to sacrifice sleep or personal time, either.

This live workshop is all about showing you how to create meaningful plans that address and acknowledge the craziness that is our life.

For once, you will step into a new year with a plan that is realistic.

You will also be empowered with the knowledge of what to do when your beautiful plans get hijacked by "life." (spoiler WILL happen!)

You deserve to have Work + Life Harmony...and I am here to show you how!


"I'm walking away from the event with an actionable plan for the upcoming quarter.  It has been valuable enough that I take days off work to attend this event LIVE.  I receive encouragement and inspiration by seeing and hearing what other women are accomplishing and the tools and strategies that they use or suggest when I am stuck is invaluable."

-Katie P. | Past Attendee


"I'm walking away from the event with an actionable plan for the upcoming quarter.  It has been valuable enough that I take days off work to attend this event LIVE.  I receive encouragement and inspiration by seeing and hearing what other women are accomplishing and the tools and strategies that they use or suggest when I am stuck is invaluable."

-Katie P. | Past Attendee



October 17th, 2024

10 am - 3 pm EST (7 am - 12 pm PST)

Day 1 is where we gather all of the information necessary to complete your annual plan.  This includes not only the goals and desires you have but also the realities of your life.

We can't begin to create a realistic annual plan if we don't have a comprehensive view of everything competing for your time.

You will follow my step-by-step system to ensure nothing is forgotten!

As an added bonus, you will master the art of breaking down a goal into a realistic plan.


October 18th, 2024

10 am - 3 pm EST (7 am - 12 pm PST)

Day 2 is where we build your key annual planning assets...your "Annual 1 Pager" and your "Year At a Glance."

You then learn how to use these tools all year long to keep you on track and prevent you from getting over committed.

Your annual plan will not sit on a shelf collecting will know how to use every month to support your life.


October 21st, 2024

11 am - 1 pm EST (8 am - 10 am PST)

Bonus 2-hour live Q&A session with Megan! Get your personal questions answered so you walk away knowing exactly how you will be rolling into 2025. 

Tiffany C.

"So often I thought I had it all together but like anyone who goes to this event will learn, there’s a difference between having a goal and having realistic plan and action steps to reach those goals. Life-changing and mind-blowing."

Rachel B.

"I love how your planning methods relate to everybody, a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or a career woman with no kids. It has really allowed me to see myself differently in that I’m not planning just as a mom, just as an employee, just as a wife, but I’m planning as and for Rachel first. I’m so glad I’ve found a community of women and moms where this is ok!"

Christine M. 

"Finally! Someone that 'gets' how hard it is to run a business and build a family.  For the first time ever, I have a plan that is working! I'm actually achieving my goals in business AND life! I finally believe that I can 'have it all' in a way that works for me!"

Tiffany C.

"So often I thought I had it all together but like anyone who goes to this event will learn, there’s a difference between having a goal and having realistic plan and action steps to reach those goals. Life-changing and mind-blowing."

Rachel B.

"I love how your planning methods relate to everybody, a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or a career woman with no kids. It has really allowed me to see myself differently in that I’m not planning just as a mom, just as an employee, just as a wife, but I’m planning as and for Rachel first. I’m so glad I’ve found a community of women and moms where this is ok!"

Christine M. 

"Finally! Someone that 'gets' how hard it is to run a business and build a family.  For the first time ever, I have a plan that is working! I'm actually achieving my goals in business AND life! I finally believe that I can 'have it all' in a way that works for me!"

Included with your ticket:

Running a business or managing a family involves extensive planning (that's why you're here right?!?). To set you up for success in 2025, I'm excited to offer additional training sessions from guest experts. These pre-recorded trainings will be readily available for you in the course portal.

Mastering the Daily Reset to
Keep Your Home Tidy
with Katy Wells

3 Tools for Nag-Free & Tear-Free Mornings with Kids
with Amy McCready

How to Use Wall Calendars to Lighten Your Mental Load
with Tasha Agruso

Getting Control of Your Money using the 'Spending Savior'
with Katie Ferro

Guided Meditation That Empowers You to Plan
with Mindi Huebner

Organizing Your
with Casey von Stein

Tools to Regulate Your Nervous System
with Michelle Grosser

Hi, I'm Megan! You may be wondering what makes me an expert in time management, planning, and organization.

Let me "geek" out on you for a minute.

Before running my own business, I worked for over 20 years in the software / IT space as a Quality Architect.

I am a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Certified Scrum Trainer, Certified Software Test Professional, and carry a few other bizarre-sounding labels.

In English, this means that I have over 2 decades of experience and knowledge in creating systems and processes to turn complete chaos into harmony.

I am also in the trenches every day juggling motherhood, work, family, and all the never-ending task lists that come with it.

I am the "go-to" (aka COO) of the household and on any given day, I swear I hear the word "mom" 1,567,387 times.

About 12 years ago, I hit a wall.

I was exhausted, depressed, and overwhelmed.  I was stuck in the "wake up, make a list, work hard, go to bed" never-ending cycle.

The planning and productivity systems I had been using for years were no longer working.

I knew there had to be a way to achieve the Work+Life Harmony I so desperately desired.

That is when I put my 20+ years of knowledge and expertise into action and created a new way to plan and manage my time...a way that truly integrated all aspects of my life.

I turned my chaos into harmony.

Now, I can proudly say that I run a successful business working only 4 hours a day (less in the summer).

I have joy, rest, passion, purpose, and FUN in my life again.

Guess what? You can, too!

If you are ready to learn how to create "real life" plans that actually calm you instead of stressing you out, you are in the right place!


Hi, I'm Megan! You may be wondering what makes me an expert in time management, planning, and organization.

Let me "geek" out on you for a minute.

Before running my own business, I worked for over 20 years in the software / IT space as a Quality Architect.

I am a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Certified Scrum Trainer, Certified Software Test Professional, and carry a few other bizarre-sounding labels.

In English, this means that I have over 2 decades of experience and knowledge in creating systems and processes to turn complete chaos into harmony.

I am also in the trenches every day juggling motherhood, work, family, and all the never-ending task lists that come with it.

I am the "go-to" (aka COO) of the household and on any given day, I swear I hear the word "mom" 1,567,387 times.

About 12 years ago, I hit a wall.

I was exhausted, depressed, and overwhelmed.  I was stuck in the "wake up, make a list, work hard, go to bed" never-ending cycle.

The planning and productivity systems I had been using for years were no longer working.

I knew there had to be a way to achieve the Work+Life Harmony I so desperately desired.

That is when I put my 20+ years of knowledge and expertise into action and created a new way to plan and manage my time...a way that truly integrated all aspects of my life.

I turned my chaos into harmony.

Now, I can proudly say that I run a successful business working only 4 hours a day (less in the summer).

I have joy, rest, passion, purpose, and FUN in my life again.

Guess what? You can, too!

If you are ready to learn how to create "real life" plans that actually calm you instead of stressing you out, you are in the right place!



This 2-day live event is October 17 + 18, 2024 from 10 am - 3 pm EST each day. Breaks will be included.

Your ticket includes both days, the LIVE 2-hour Q+A session on Oct 21, AND the Annual Planning Digital Workbook. 


The entire event will be streamed live via Zoom (and also get access to the recordings!).

This means you can join from the comforts of your home or your favorite coffee shop.


The entire event will be streamed live via Zoom (and also get access to the recordings!).

This means you can join from the comforts of your home or your favorite coffee shop.


The live stream will run for 5 hours (10 am EST - 3 pm EST) each day with scheduled breaks.

All of the exercises are included in the workbook so that you can follow along with ease.

The recordings will be broken up into each agenda topic when accessing the replay.  Yup, we make it so easy for you!


The live stream will run for 5 hours (10 am EST - 3 pm EST) each day with scheduled breaks.

All of the exercises are included in the workbook so that you can follow along with ease.

The recordings will be broken up into each agenda topic when accessing the replay. Yup, we make it so easy for you!

Planning Guide:

Your ticket to this event includes the complete 2025 Annual Planning Digital Workbook
(over 100 pages).* 

This workbook and workshop are everything you need to make 2025 the most empowering, actionable year ever.

**physical copies of the workbook are available for sale


  • 2-day LIVE Annual Planning Workshop (valued at $1997)
  • 2-hour LIVE Q+A with Megan (valued at $497)
  • 7 Pre-recorded Guest Expert Trainings (valued at $997)
  • 100+ Page Annual Planning Digital Workbook (valued at $197)
  • Recording Portal (valued at $197)


Only $97 per ticket


After the event each year, I get hundreds of these messages:

Read many more testimonials HERE.

After the event each year, I get hundreds of these messages:

Read many more testimonials HERE.


Plan-a-Palooza is a one-of-a-kind planning event.

Simply put, no one else teaches planning for women this way. 

Setting annual goals alone accomplishes nothing.

Working from a "top 3" priority list each day just leads to exhaustion and missed opportunities.

Planning and productivity courses taught by men are missing the realities of all the women juggle...both physically and emotionally.l

We live very fluid lives and wear many hats. We need to create plans that incorporate all the hats we wear and support the need for flexibility!


Carrie B.


I am incredibly grateful for the "face time" with you, Megan! Being able to have the opportunity to ask questions and work through specifics is invaluable! Also, access to the replays is great! I love being able to go back and watch what I missed or what I need reminders of!


Katie P.


I feel calmer and less anxious, about accomplishing my long-term goals.  They seem more realistic.  That may be because I am setting more realistic goals because of looking at what time is truly available.  But it also helps with goals that are given in the corporate environment no matter how unrealistic they sound.

Carrie B.

I am incredibly grateful for the "face time" with you, Megan! Being able to have the opportunity to ask questions and work through specifics is invaluable! Also, access to the replays is great! I love being able to go back and watch what I missed or what I need reminders of!

Katie P.

I feel calmer and less anxious, about accomplishing my long-term goals.  They seem more realistic.  That may be because I am setting more realistic goals because of looking at what time is truly available.  But it also helps with goals that are given in the corporate environment no matter how unrealistic they sound.


  •  Start a new year knowing exactly how to reach your goals and desires
  • Stop living "day-to-day" putting out non-stop fires
  • Create plans with confidence 
  • Love your calendar again
  • Live a life with purpose, intention, and joy